Sorted by date Results 2142 - 2166 of 3486
August 31, 2020 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present. Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved. Discussion was held on the positive COVID-19 case and county’s plan for future cases. A health board meeting will be set for September 8, 2020. Additional help for Public Health was discussed. A local resident and bus driver stopped in to request the Moorhead Road to be bla...
OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH-ELCA Pastor Julie Long, 436-2457 “Rooted in the Word, Dwelling in Christ, Branching out for the sake of the World” All are welcome! Please join us for Sunday worship at 11:00AM., followed by a time of fellowship. Holy Communion celebrated first and third Sundays and Festival Sundays. During this COVID time of restrictions, there is no monthly “pitch in” lunch on Oct. 4th. We follow public health and government restrictions as necessary. Church council and Pastor Julie monitor information and activities may chang...
Courtesy PR Extension Office The first in a series of three ReImagining Rural sessions turned out to be surprising for many participants, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. Twenty-one “locals” joined over 230 people from 24 communities across the state in a virtual session to listen to Dr. Ben Winchester, University of Minnesota Extension researcher who is “Rewriting the Rural Narrative” by challenging the perceived “brain drain” reported in rural communities and instead is observing a “brain gain”. Dr. Winchester prefac...
By PR County Election Administrator/Clerk & Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin As the November General Election approaches, we would like to keep you informed of your options and the plan Powder River County has for the election. Powder River County will be conducting a poll election for the General Election on November 3, 2020. Polling places will remain where they have always been and are listed below. Precinct 3: Coalwood School Precinct 4: Stacey Hall Precinct 5: Ashland TRECO building Precincts 8 and 9: Biddle Hall Precinct 11: Broadus Courthouse l...
By Powder River County Health Nurse Darlynn Williams Editor's note: Due to an uptick of cases since this story was originally published, we've included the most recent info. As of 9/25 at 1:00 PM, Powder River County has had 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 9 active cases. Broadus High School has changed to an online format for two weeks, due to staff members contracting the virus. All JH/HS activities through October 3rd have been postponed. Homecoming has been moved to October 19th through the 24th. Offduty staff at PR Manor have tested...
By PR County Road Dept Supervisor Teel Mullanix Powder River County Road Department is working together with the Forest Service on the 15 Mile Road re-graveling project. We will be closing the road periodically for the next few months starting September 28, 2020. Closures will be from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday. The road will be open to local traffic only. Contact Road Supervisor, Teel Mullanix at 436-2248 or Ron Hecker at the Ashland Ranger District for more information....
Annual cost is $38 in county, $39 out of county, and $40 out of state. Please mail checks to: Powder River Examiner, PO Box 328, Broadus, MT 59317. We will also mail an invoice as a reminder. Feel free to drop payments in the payment box on our front door, located across the street to the west of the courthouse square. You may renew online, at Don’t forget about our online edition, free for all print subscribers. Theresa Alderman, Broadus Lyle & Kay Babb, Broadus Charles Barbero, Boyes Cathy Bauder, Bozeman Jeanne B...
On September 10, 2020, the Mizpah Masters 4-H club held their 7th meeting. All members were present. Project books, record books, and financial records were due at this meeting. Members reported on the county fair. The club discussed an upcoming STEM challenge called Mars Base Camp. Justin Aye and Maddie Kramme were interested in participating in the challenge. The club voted to make a display at the elementary school for National 4-H Week. Maddie Kramme will host the October meeting. At the next meeting the club will fill bird feeders at the...
By Jessica Malone Autumnal Greetings from the Powder River Chamber ~ As September slips by it brings the second of the “Re-Imagining Rural” programs on Tuesday, September 29th. These virtual gatherings feature national experts sharing innovative yet practical ideas for improving rural communities. Our first program included 20 Broadus community members who engaged with a presentation by Ben Winchester, who shared some fascinating research and statistics related to the challenges of recruiting community leaders, welcoming newcomers and cou...
Thursday, September 27, 1990 Bits and Pieces The old Cache Creek Telephone number 427-5424 will soon ring no more for Irvin and Belva Lancaster. Following the sale of their family ranch, they sold operating equipment at auction on Saturday, September 22 and were hauling household goods to Miles City on Sunday, where they will make their retirement home. Irvin was born on Cache Creek in 1919 and, later, he and Belva bought the ranch from his parents and raised their children there. Neighbors wish them good health and good luck and not too much...
August 17, 2020 All commissioners present for weekly meeting. Consent agenda approved. No public comment was heard. Teel Mullanix met with the board. He reported the road crew is at Fredrickson Pit, the Baking Powder Road is almost finished and a gravel agreement with Densons on 15 Mile is almost finished. Cynde Gatlin, Clerk & Recorder, met with the board. Gatlin informed the board that she is planning to do a poll election. PRC was approved for HAVA grant funds, so discussion of the election budget will need to be done again. Oil & Gas first...
By Marcy Davis The Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Assoc. 43rd Annual Horse Sale & Show was held September 6th at the fairgrounds in Broadus. The auctioneer was Lynn Weishaar, and pedigrees by John E Johnson. Ring Men included Matt Wznick, Dan Piroutek, and Rodney Vance. Averages: 23 Weanling Stud Colts Average $1713 27 Weanling Filly Colts Average $1404 5 Yearling Geldings Average $3650 5 Yearling Fillies Average $2050 23 Ride Horses Average $7404 Sale Highlights: Lot 22 at $18,000, RB DRAM...
Courtesy PR Extension Office “Idea Friendly” Attitude Topic for Second Reimagining Rural Session… The Save Your Town organization is coming to our town Tuesday, September 29th as part of the statewide Reimagining Rural Virtual Gathering. Becky McCray and Deb Brown, the organization’s founders and small-town enthusiasts, believe small towns can be saved by their own people using their own resources. The program will be held at the Broadus Community Center from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. and include a free supper. Deb and Becky say choosing the name Sa...
Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Craig Uridil, Sedro Woolley, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55. Cass Via, Grand Junction, CO, stop sign violation, $85. MHP Jessica Ohlig, Post Falls, ID, driving while susp/revoked, $285. Stephen Wilmot, Fair Oaks, CA, speeding in restricted zone (89/65) $95. Isaac Vaughan, Newport News, VA, daytime speeding (85/70) $70. Wael Khalil, West Chester, PA, speeding in restricted zone (74/65) $55. James Calvin, Spanaway, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55. Frederick Miller Jr, Port Murray, NJ, spe...
The county budget was finalized last week; the accompanying chart breaks down the budgets of each department. The county commissioners told us that key takeaways from the 2020-21 budget are that local taxes will remain essentially the same as last year, and we won’t see any substantial budget reductions. A slight drop in mill value levels make the numbers a tad different overall, but essentially we’re looking at a similar amount of money taken from the taxpayer’s coffers. One major addition this year which isn’t reflected in the accompa...
By Cynde Jo Gatlin, PR County Election Administrator As you all know, I have decided to move forward with a poll election in November. At this time, I have enough judges to run a poll election. However, with the unknown future of COVID-19 in our county, I would like to have backup judges in the instance that one of my current judges gets sick and can’t make it or is quarantined. If anyone is interested in being an election judge or ballot counter, please contact me as soon as possible. There will be a mandatory training for judges in Oct...
January 7, 2020 Mayor Lyman Amsden; Councilperson Pete Wenzel; Councilperson Cody Morris; Councilperson Lori Turnbough; Public Works Raymond Ragsdale; and Clerk Peggy Fruit. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Amsden called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Minutes of the previous meetings were submitted by Clerk Fruit, Councilperson Wenzel moved to approve them as submitted. Councilperson Turnbough seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Public Works Ragsdale reported he continues with general maintenance for the water and...
September 20, 1990 Board puts Class C proposal on hold The Unified Board of School Trustees, at a meeting Monday evening, decided, at least for the present time, not to petition the Montana High School Association to be moved from Class B status to Class C. “The Board decided that Broadus should stay in Class B, at least for the present time. We’re looking at possible influx of students, and thought we would wait to see what happens,” said Broadus School System Superintendent George Bailey. The Board will reconsider the proposed move next...
Powder River Rising Stars September Meeting On September 9, 2020, President Reuben Kinzer called the meeting to order at 3:39 p.m. in the Election Room at the Courthouse. Pledges were led by Addison Harper. Secretary's minutes were read and Treasurer's report was given. The club discussed road signs, new boards for the fair, and 4-H week. The Cunningham family provided snacks. The next meeting will be September 23, 2020. Garrett Cunningham moved to adjourn the meeting. After the meeting, we worked on the scrapbook. Your Reporter, Addison...
By Annie Brimmer The VFW Auxiliary met September 9, 2020 at the VFW Hall for their regular monthly meeting. Officers for the ensuing year were installed. Past Post 1595 Commander, Marty Drane, was installing officer. Officers are as follows: President-Annie Brimmer, Sr. Vice President-Molly Lloyd, Jr. Vice President-Nina Schaffer, Secretary-Pat Ridenour, Treasurer-Tracey Gorder, Chaplain-Margaret Scoles, Conductress-Ginger Bird, Patriotic Instructor-Patti Brix, Guard-Sue Richards, 3 year Trustee – Carol Richards. We do thank Marty for being o...
August 2020 Airnav, LLC 24.00 Fair Premium-Extension Service 2250.00 Globalstar USA 88.54 Incontact Inc. 391.69 Montana Coroner's Association 475.00 Powder River Examiner 1424.00 Range Telephone Cooperative 2868.36 Robert Janssen 26.45 Town of Broadus 2234.35 Alderman Oil Co. 21970.19 Allbridge 609.58 Amazon.Com Credit 119.83 Ameripride Services Inc 283.79 Amsden, LLC 550.00 Aqreva, LLC 3895.50 Arthur Lee Davis Publishing 240.71 Aye’s Fabricating & Repair 135.00 Barbero Estates, LLC 850.00 Barnes & Noble, Inc 601.90 BDJ Construction 31000.00 B...
Temperatures in the 90s, low humidity, and high sustained winds gusting to nearly 60 mph helped contribute to numerous fires across Eastern Montana on September 2nd. Three large fires started near Powder River County on September 2nd, including the Zook Fire, which began near Road 664 northwest of Volborg, the Snider Fire, around 20 miles north of Ashland, and the Rice Fire, around 6 miles north of Ashland. The Zook Fire was lightning caused, and burned 4,537 acres in total in Custer County. On...
August of 2020 was dry by even normal standards in Broadus, with a scant .27" of rain falling during the month. When combined with the previous dry months, 2020 has drawn ominously close to a dubious record – that of low precipitation. The current record for low precipitation from Jan 1 to Aug 31 came about in that most infamous of years: 1988. During the first eight months of 1988, 4.89" of precipitation was recorded in Broadus. This year, the total was 4.97". 1988 turned out to be the d...
Connie Rumph to Thomas W. Brewer, Warranty Deed, Lot 11, Block 12, City of Broadus, Original Townsite Subdivision; Lot 12, Block 12, City of Broadus, Original Townsite Subdivision. Cori Schock, Etal, Estate of Ruby Alice Olson, Etal to The Public, Schrivener's Affidavit, T7S, R52E, Sec. 27, TRACT 4, COS #138850: PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 27, SESE OF SECTION 28, NENE OF SECTION 33, AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3, COS #138250, SECTION 34, ALL IN T7S, R52E; T7S, R52E, Sec. 28, SE4SE4, TRACT 4, COS #138850: PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION...
On Tuesday, the Powder River County Commissioners finalized the county budget for the 2020-21 year. In good news for taxpayers, taxes will not be raised, nor will any major budget cuts affect services in the county. We’ll have a more detailed breakdown of the budget next week....