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  • Births - Riplee Joy Rogge

    May 6, 2021

    Kyle Rogge & fiancée RaLynn Noftsker are very proud parents of baby girl Riplee Joy Rogge. She was born on March 30th, 2021 at 11:19 pm, weighing 7 lbs 12 ounces and was 21.5” long. She joins sister Natalie, age 12, and brother Urijah, age 11. Maternal grandparents are Robin Bennett and Brian Noftsker. Paternal Grandparents are Lyle & Jeanne Rogge of Broadus....

  • VFW Auxiliary presents awards

    May 6, 2021

    On Wednesday, April 28th, Patti Brix representing the VFW Auxiliary, presented Griffin Gardner with a certificate of recognition for placing 2nd in the State for the Buddy Poppy Coloring contest (far left) and a certificate to Pruett McDowell (near left), who placed 1st place in the State Patriotic Coloring contest. Both boys won cash prizes and earned special gifts for their wonderful coloring abilities. (Photos courtesy Molly Lloyd)...

  • Students help beautify Community

    Apr 29, 2021

    Students from the Broadus Junior High & High School conducted the Annual Community Appreciation Day on Monday. Students work with other adult members of the community to work on projects or clean around Broadus. Projects, their leaders, and students involved included: Clean up at Rifle Range & Cemetery Road, Adult: Art Perleberg, Students: Michaley Knapp, Jackson Knapp, Raiden Aurand. Garbage clean up around dump, Adults: Donna Giacometto & John Olson, Students: Aidan Kenelly, Marcus Mader,...

  • Montana regains Second Congressional Seat with 2020 Census

    Apr 29, 2021

    Courtesy MT Governor’s Office HELENA, Mont. – Montana will regain its second congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, according to the 2020 Census state population count released Monday by the U.S. Census Bureau. The count reveals that Montana’s population grew from 989,415 people in 2010 to 1,085,407 people in 2020 – an increase of 95,992 residents over 2010, or nearly 10 percent. Montana had two congressional districts until 1993, when reapportionment based on the 1990 population count resulted in Montana losing its second...

  • Subscriptions due in May

    Apr 29, 2021

    Annual subscription cost is $38 in county, $39 out of county, and $40 out of state. Please mail checks to: Powder River Examiner, PO Box 328, Broadus, MT 59317. We will also mail an invoice as a reminder. Feel free to drop payments in the payment box on our front door, located across the street to the west of the courthouse square. Another option for renewal is online, at www. Don’t forget about our online edition, free for all print subscribers. Gordon Archer, Olive Rich Aubert, Broadus William Cain, Miles City D...

  • Chamber News

    Apr 29, 2021

    By Jessica Malone Thank you to everyone that participated in Community Clean Up Day! We appreciate the students, volunteers and community and project leaders that worked together to build a better Broadus. Look for pictures on our Facebook page to see some of the projects! We’re eagerly awaiting our first 2021 social event - Kentucky Derby Day - taking place on Saturday, May 1st and it’s looking like it will be a beautiful day for some family fun! Starting at 10am, Broadus Bumblebee Daycare is hosting Derby Days Kids Power Wheels Races at the S...

  • Voices from the Past

    Apr 29, 2021

    April 29, 1921 Broadus mail 63 tons a year Justifying a daily mail service from Miles City south to Powder River County is the great bulk of mail now being carried on the tri-weekly service. On each trip south from Miles City, John Witcher carries on an average of 1,200 pounds of mail, equal to 187,000 pounds for the year or approximately 94 tons for the year. His route of 50 miles ends at Volborg and from there the mail is relayed by two routes to this county, Girk carrying the mail to Epsie, Stacey, Camps Pass and Selway, while Dick Witcher s...

  • Legislative Roundup - Week 16

    Apr 29, 2021

    By Austin Amestoy UM Legislative News Service University of Montana School of Journalism Republican Lawmakers Locked in Battle with State Supreme Court over “Judicial Transparency” As the Montana Legislature nears the close of its biennial business, Republican lawmakers are mounting a case against the judicial branch and the state Supreme Court with accusations of judicial bias and improper record keeping, while Democrats call the inquiry a “witch hunt.” Since the start of the 2021 Legislative Session, lawmakers have proposed numerous bills s...

  • Commissioners Proceedings

    Apr 29, 2021

    April 8, 2021 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present. Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda approved. Clerk and Recorder Cynde Gatlin presented a verbal request from a local resident for the use of the big baseball field for a youth event. The board approved the request, and will contact Marty Drane, Maintenance Supervisor, to get the bathroom facilities usable. An EMS update was given by Donna Giacometto. Giacometto reported she...

  • Births - Noah Stanley Duane Talcott

    Apr 29, 2021

    Noah Stanley Duane Talcott was born on February 24, 2021, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces. He was 20.5 inches long. He joins big sister Millie, big brother Kane and parents Joe and Beth Talcott of Anchorage, AK. Maternal grandparents are Meri Mainwaring (Anchorage, AK) and Earl and Billeta Mainwaring (Harlowton, MT). Maternal Great Grandpa is Stan Mainwaring (Pony, MT). Paternal grandparents are Duane and Debbie Talcott (Hammond, MT) and paternal Great Grandma Twila Talcott (Broadus,...

  • The Final Bow of Regina Geddes

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Shane Dunning Last December, I presented an article on "the blackest crime to ever disgrace eastern Montana." That crime, the murder of Clemence "Winnie" Brown, occurred in 1897 just north of Ashland. Richard Dixon confessed to being the masked man who rode up on Winnie Brown and shot him in the stomach. In his confession, Dixon revealed that he had committed the crime at the behest of his employer George Geddes and his wife, Regina. He also implicated another...

  • Montana Shakespeare in the Parks announces 2021 dates

    Apr 22, 2021

    BOZEMAN — Montana Shakespeare in the Parks has announced it will return to in-person performances for its 2021 season. Due to the pandemic, the Montana State University program postponed its 2020 season and created content for all ages under the title “MSIP Live.” This summer, the company will perform William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Cymbeline.” Performance nearby include: July 6, Tuesday, Ekalaka, “Cymbeline,” 6:30 p.m., Dahl Memorial Nursing Home July 7, Wednesday, Miles City, “Midsummer,” 6:30 p.m., Pumping Plant Park...

  • Athletic Fundraiser coming up next week

    Apr 22, 2021

    In a bid to raise money for athletic projects at the school such as new wrestling mats, the Letterman’s Club is back in action. The club, long a mainstay of life at PRCDHS, has gone by the wayside over the past few years, but Athletic Director Mike Richards is bringing it back. The first event will be held next Thursday, April 29th, featuring the basketball players vs the wrestlers in a dual – the event will consist of two teams with each team having a combination of basketball players and wrestlers. The two teams will then play each oth...

  • Fabric Trailer returning to Broadus

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Pat Ridenour April 24th will be the date for the Wayward Quilters Fabric Trailer to return to Broadus. They have really enjoyed the trips to our town, and quilters have enjoyed having them come regularly. The hours are the same-10 AM to 4 PM. This time they will have some Sale Bolts that are 25% off the regular price, and any bolt that you "kill", you'll get an extra 10% off! Another new fabric line is the BELLA fabric line, which are solid colors and they will be 15% off the regular price. Also on board will be Patterns, Backings, Books,...

  • Legislative Roundup - Week 15

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Austin Amestoy UM Legislative News Service University of Montana School of Journalism Montana Legislature Considers Lengthening Driver’s License Renewal Cycle, Raising DUI Penalties Lawmakers in the 67th Montana Legislature are debating and advancing a number of bills seeking to revise the way drivers are licensed and increase punishments for repeat DUI offenders. Members of the House Transportation Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 336 on Monday, April 12, after the bill cleared the Senate unanimously a week earlier. Sponsored by Sen....

  • Montana Department of Revenue: If You Move, Let Us Know

    Apr 22, 2021

    The Montana Department of Revenue has an important message to Montana taxpayers who move after filing their income tax return: Keep your mailing address current with the department. This is especially true for anyone filing a Montana income tax return for the first time. The department sends refunds to first-time filers only by paper check – not by direct deposit – due to our security measures to combat fraud. Taxpayers who haven’t filed a Montana return since 2018 will also receive any refund by paper check. This means your refund will be dela...

  • 4-H Members Share Knowledge at County Demonstration Day

    Apr 22, 2021

    Courtesy PR Extension Office How to assemble a fishing rod, braid leather, make a pig pen and air up a bike tire were just a few of the creative presentations at the annual County Demonstration Day on Sunday. 4-H Demonstration Day provides 4-H members the opportunity to "Speak Out and Show the Way" through prepared demonstrations and speeches, according to MSU Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. "Youth learn life skills by organizing their thoughts and developing a presentation to share w...

  • Powder River County Claims

    Apr 22, 2021

    March 2021 Broadus Foods Inc. 14.37 Broadus Insurance Services, Inc 6521.88 Globalstar USA 90.39 Great West Engineering 34097.00 Home Depot Credit Services 841.93 Incontact Inc. 369.05 Motor Power Equipment Co 321.60 Powder River Examiner 869.75 Range Telephone Cooperative 2833.96 Town of Broadus 2039.63 Wilhelm Land Surveying 600.00 Alderman Oil Co. 6549.91 Allbridge 621.58 Amazon.Com Credit 142.08 Amsden, LLC 550.00 Aramark Uniform Services 343.31 Automatic Doors of Montana, Inc. 562.50 Availity LLC 122.00 Aye’s Fabricating & Repair 262.00 Ba...

  • Commissioners Proceedings

    Apr 22, 2021

    April 5, 2021 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present. Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved. Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board. The MACRS conference that Teel, Rich Aubert and Donna recently attended was discussed. Dust control, rough roads, and the current bridge project were also discussed. Teel received a call with concerns about the dust on his road making calves sick. Solutions were discussed. The...

  • Births - Austyn Dean Richards

    Apr 22, 2021

    Austyn Dean Richards was born March 30th at 1:43 am in Miles City, to parents Ronnie and Kori Richards of Broadus. Austyn weighed 7 lbs 2.8 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Her maternal grandparents are Dean and Jill Kolka. Paternal grandparents are Shawn and Wendy Richards....

  • Births - Del Barrett Mills

    Apr 22, 2021

    Troy and Amanda Mills welcomed their son Del Barrett Mills on March 22, 2021 at 10:13 p.m. in Spearfish, SD. He weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Liz Riter and the late Del Riter and paternal grandparents are Steve and Sis Mills....

  • Voices from the Past

    Apr 22, 2021

    April 22, 1921 W Bar Ranch has bad fire Thirty dressed hogs, ten thousand pounds of corn, besides other feeds and many miscellaneous articles, were destroyed in a fire Sunday evening at the W Bar ranch, owned by Link J. Wilson. The fire started in the smoke-house and was communicated to the granary, about twelve feet separating the two. Emergency telephone calls were received in Broadus and many automobile loads of volunteer fire fighters responded. Bucket and tub brigades fought the fire, several chemical fire extinguishers also being brought...

  • Court Report

    Apr 22, 2021

    In Justice of the Peace Cathy Landa’s Justic Court Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Michael Bemenek, Rosholt, WI, speeding in restricted zone (40/30) $55. Nicholas Crawford, Clinton, TN, speeding in restricted zone (65/40) $95. Lance McKean, Longview, WA, speeding in restricted zone (53/40) $65. MHP Jaymon Diaz, Seattle, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55. Brittney Gunhammer, Rapid City, SD, improper passing, $85. Joseph Ullstrom, Linden, MI, fail to carry proof of insurance, $285. Kevin Heim, Philadelphia, PA, speeding in res...

  • Community Cleanup Day is April 26th

    Apr 15, 2021

    By Megan Johnson, Student Council President A wise woman once said a clean community leads to healthy citizens. We want to clean up our community on Monday, April 26 by celebrating Community Appreciation Day. The landfill will be open all day for everyone personally cleaning around the community. If any businesses are seeking help from students, please contact Melissa Billing (406-436-2583), Dori Phillips (406-436-2658), or Megan Johnson (406-210-4968). Students participating will only be available from 12:30-3:10. I hope you join us in the...

  • New Daycare option planned

    Apr 15, 2021

    By Jen Zellers As our community grows, so does the need for childcare. Although we have some wonderful childcare options in our community, there is still a need to help support our new and growing families. It was out of this need that Broadus Bumblebees was born. Our goal is to be able to meet the needs of children, families, and community in as many ways as possible. Creating more jobs with competitive wages, a safe learning environment for children to grow, and community involvement are just a few things the Board of Broadus Bumblebee...

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