Sorted by date Results 1614 - 1638 of 3486
Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Nataliya Agafonova, Del Mar, CA, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65. Dai Khup, Smyrna, TN, owner permitting operation of vehicle w/o ins., $285. Gina Smith, Cantonsville, MD, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85. Darrin Ollendick, Lime Springs, IA, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65. Navjeet Gill, Morris, IL, speeding in restricted zone (88/65) $95. Joseph May, Rapid City, SD, driving MV while priv. is susp/revoked, $285. Layne Ogle, Tukwila, WA, improper passing, $85. Jonathan Smarro, W...
by Henry A. Malley Memorial Library Director Barb Mitchell The 2021 Traveling Collection from the 42nd Annual Juried Exhibit, Unbridled Happiness, has been set up in the library. It will be on display until Sept. 25th. The exhibit includes professional, local, regional, and national artists. There is a wonderful variety of mediums in this year’s collection. Some of the work in the traveling collection are oils, acrylics and digital paintings as well as photography and photograms. As the title implies, the artists worked on portraying what b...
Hunter and Rebecca Gratwohl are happy to announce the arrival of Holly Annette, born on August 10, 2021 in Sheridan, WY. Holly weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 in. long. Grandparents are Roger & Lisa Gaskill, and Hall & Cindi Gratwohl, all of Ashland. Holly and her parents reside on Otter Creek near Ashland....
Khristian and Laura Noble were married on September 4th in Bozeman. Kris is a graduate of Broadus High School and Gillette College. Laura is a graduate of Wibaux High, and MSU Bozeman. Jeff Noble and Sharon Noble of Broadus are parents of the groom; David and Liz Franz of Wibaux are parents of the bride. The happy couple is moving to Billings this month to start off their marriage....
By PR Extension Office “Let’s reset and reimagine a bright future for our community,” invited Melissa Billing, President Powder River Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture. Broadus was one of 23 communities from across Montana invited to participate in the 2021 Reimagining Rural Virtual Gathering. The first of three meetings designed for community members to think creatively about Broadus’ future is scheduled for Monday, September 13th, in the Powder River County Election Room in Broadus. “We are excited to share great stories about successful, v...
By Senior Center Director Rita Harden The Senior Center will be hosting the 52nd Annual Montana Governor’s Conference on Aging - Communities of Strength - Be The Connection, on Tuesday, September 14. The agenda is as follows; Livable Communities-8:30 am & 3:30 pm, Falls Prevention-9:45 am, Medicare-11 am, Caregiving support 9:45 am, Caring for Alzheimer’s-11 am, Suicide Prevention- 1 pm, Fraud and Scams -2:15 pm. What a great opportunity to learn about the things that affect your safety and wellbeing....
Jerry Coulter, longtime Broadus Coach and Teacher, was recently honored among an elite group, in Jeff Welsch's book Montana Greats: From A (Absarokee) to Z (Zurich), the greatest athletes from 264 Montana communities. In the book, Welsch, the Montana sports editor for Lee Newspapers, details the exploits of top athletes from around the state, and Coulter is named as the top athlete to come out of Brusett, Montana, in Northwestern Garfield County. Though Brusett is certainly a small community,...
By PR Extension Office Broadus has been selected to participate in the 2021 Reimagining Rural Virtual Gathering that is designed to bring some fresh ideas about how to create a vibrant future for rural communities across Montana. It has been a challenging year and organizers hope to help local volunteers and leaders reset and reimagine a bright future for their community by bringing them together to hear some positive research and success stories about rural communities. Reimagining Rural Virtual Gathering was created for local volunteers a...
September 2, 1921 New Mail Route Mizpah to Kingsley Bids are being advertised for by the post office department for a new mail route from Mizpah post office in Custer County to the Kingsley post office in this county, a distance of approximately 55 miles. Bids will be received by the post office department up to September 12. The route calls for a bi-weekly service and would be operative October 1. Only a nine-month contract is called for to make it expire July 1, along with other mail contracts. After leaving Mizpah post office, the route...
FAITH BIBLE CHURCH Pastor Tom Herzog Sunday, September 5th – Regular service @ 10:45, Cliff Grant Funeral Service @2:00 Friday, September 10th - Outreach Center Fund-Raising Banquet in Miles City Sunday, September 12th - Communion during service Sunday, September 19th - Mission Moment during service 6:00 p.m. Church service @ Powderville w/ Pitch-in Sunday, September 26th – Faith Story during service Sundays 9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service (Nursery and Children’s Church Offered) Thursdays 8:20 a.m. Prayer Meeting @ Chu...
By Pat Ridenour Over the summer months, Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club members have been busy making articles as a community service project for Powder River Manor residents. They have been the recipients of three projects this year. Dawn Mraz made 5 covers for urinal bags and led the Quilt Club members in a workshop to make walker bags to carry personal items from one place to another. Twenty walker bags were made and delivered to the Manor. Pat Ridenour headed a workshop to turn out pillowcases for the Manor. Cathy Ruland showed how to make th...
By PR Extension Office “I move better!” That’s what participants say about the arthritis exercise classes offered through the Montana State University Extension Service. The program, offered on Mondays and Wednesdays, includes gentle strength training and range of motion exercises, health education and a peaceful relaxation component. The classes are designed for ALL ages and ALL genders. New classes begin Monday, September 13th, at the Senior Center, and will be offered at both 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Call the Extension Office to registe...
August 2, 2021 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall and John Olson present. Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, and Dan McDowell, Road Department, met with board for the Road Department’s bi-weekly update. Mullanix reported the backhoe that was hit by lightning was repaired last week. Discussion was then held on sawdust for the fair. Commissioner Donna Giacometto joined the meeting. Commissioners then discussed the upcoming fair and a few things that n...
Data from the 2020 US Census has been released, with 1681 Powder River County residents counted in the census. When compared to 2010, 62 fewer residents were counted, for a 3.6% drop in population over the last decade. Statewide, 60.4% of the population self-responded to the constitutionally mandated census, with an additional 39.5% enumerated with a follow-up count. The state receives an estimated $2,000 per person, per year in Federal dollars. Statewide, Montana gained 9.6% in population over the last decade, with 1,084,225 Montanans...
The rectory of St. David's Catholic Church was moved earlier this week, after being sold by the church, due to black mold accumulation. The building was built in 1958, serving as a home for Father Pat and Father Chester during their tenures in Broadus....
By PR Extension Office During the Fair, the only place there was mud in the county during the last month was at the Powder River County Fairgrounds in the muddy pig wrestling pit...and it was manufactured by Christine Appleman. Christine, Craig and Clark Appleman were instrumental in creating a crowd-pleasing popular event at the Fair. They joined forces with John and Jennie Olson to produce a "crop" of the right sized porkers for each age division. Add announcer Charlee Kuhbacher's e...
Courtesy Darlynn Williams, PR County Public Health Nurse There has been a lot of information in the media recently about extra doses of COVID vaccinations. Here is some information to help clear things up. Booster doses and 3rd doses do not have the same purpose. Most people use these terms interchangeably but shouldn’t. Let’s start with the 3rd dose recommendation. This is an additional dose for persons in whom the immune response may have been suppressed following the first two doses. A 3rd dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine should be consider...
By Jessica Malone It’s back to school time in Broadus and we’re wishing all the students, teachers, coaches and faculty a wonderful 2021-2022 school year! Our August General Meeting brought big changes to our Chamber Executive Board. Following resignations of Lori Stokes and Julie Collins, we want to thank them for the time and energy they committed during their terms. We’re pleased to announce that current board member Megan Smith has agreed to accept the vacant VP position and that Morgan Weller has been newly appointed to the Execu...
Annual subscription cost is $38 in county, $39 out of county, and $40 out of state. Please mail checks to: Powder River Examiner, PO Box 328, Broadus, MT 59317. We will also mail an invoice as a reminder. Feel free to drop payments in the payment box on our front door, located across the street to the west of the courthouse square. Another option for renewal is online, at www.powderriverexaminer. com. Don’t forget about our online edition, free for all print subscribers. Click “Free Trial” on the blue bar at the top of the page, fill out the i...
August 26, 1921 Schools to Open Tuesday, Sept 6 School will open generally over the county Tuesday morning, September 6. Monday is observed as Labor Day and such is a legal holiday. The average monthly salary to be paid teachers in this county this year will range from $90 to $100, whereas last year they were paid from $100 to $125. One rural school teacher, however, will be compensated $150 a month and it is said a patron of the school will board her free of charge. An incomplete list of the teachers is as follows: Mrs. Alice Oldenberg will...
By Julie Long Kids, grades Kindergarten-4th grade, are invited to our “Jesus Kids” after school Christian fellowship program at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. We will begin Wednesday, September 1st and will meet on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00. This time of activities and snacks (of course) will be led by Pastor Julie and Molly Lloyd. We will walk with the kids to the church from school, weather permitting. We will need help with rides during inclement weather. We will monitor local COVID numbers and will follow public health recommendations and o...
By PR Extension Office Fifteen teens competed in three heats for the best wooly mutton busting honor at the Fair on Wednesday night. The "Buckaroos" team featuring Jayce Schroeder and Logan Capp crossed the finish line with the fastest time of 45.21 with Stella Zander glued to the back of her buck. The second-place team was the "Jolly Ranchers" and consisted of Aria Gatlin, Farrah Gaskill and Shyla Madsen with a time of 51.80. The third-place team, "The Three Amigos" included Presley W...
By PR Extension Office Duck sorting is more complicated than one might think. The event debuted at the Powder River County Fair as a warm-up to the wild sheep riding on Wednesday night. A select six were recruited to sort the ducks, and included Cody Kinzer, Melissa Ashley, Lee Randall, Todd Gardner, Kate Ruland and Chad Gatlin. A brainchild of Fair Board member Stacie Ostendorf, it provided entertainment for the gathering crowd. The scoring was tight, ranging from 60 to 74 points and p...
Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Nathan Bowen, Rushville, MO, speeding in restricted zone (102/65) $105. Eric Bailey, North Platte, NE, speeding in restricted zone (83/65) $85. Kathleen Budzynski, Fairfax, VA, improper passing, $85. Adriann Kupka, West Allis, WI, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85. Luke Del Rio, Broadiew, VA, improper passing, $75. Luke Del Rio, Broadview, VA, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85. Adam Buchholz, Bellingham, WA, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85. Hameed Makttoof, Seattle, WA, speeding in r...
July 30, 2021 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present. Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved. Cynde Jo Gatlin and Ashley Emmons with the Rolling Hills Golf Course met with the board to request continued funding assistance by the county for the 21-22 fiscal year. Claims were reviewed and approved for payment of various county departmental expenses as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office. Council on Aging Board m...