Sorted by date Results 1967 - 1991 of 3486
By PR Extension Office Develop your parenting skills through a virtual Active Parenting course developed by Dr. Michael Popkin, parenting expert and father, and facilitated by MSU Extension Agents. The class is designed for parents of children ages 5 to 12. The virtual 6-week course begins Thursday, February 4th, and will run from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. each Thursday evening through March 4th. The course will help parents and caregivers learn ways to raise responsible children who are able to resist negative peer pressure. Parents will also learn n...
January 4, 2021 Commissioners Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall and John Olson present. Meeting was called to order and no public comment was heard at this time. The board discussed the nomination of Chairman and John Olson motioned for Lee Randall to remain Chairman, Donna seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. The board then discussed the agenda meeting dates and posting places. Resolution 2021-01, Resolution to set Commissioners meeting dates; Donna motioned, John seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Commissioners will be meeting...
December 2020 Careersmart Learning 549.00 Globalstar USA 88.99 Home Depot Credit Services 1702.37 Incontact Inc. 316.49 Jesse Ambulance Service 105.00 Mark Huseby 2540.00 Morrison-Maierle Systems Corp 26406.34 North Star Equipment LLC 45000.00 Powder River Examiner 581.25 Range Telephone Cooperative 2809.76 Shane Copps 643.00 Town of Broadus 2160.85 Wilhelm Land Surveying 2500.00 Alderman Oil Co. 5366.15 Allbridge 609.58 Amazon Capital Services 14.99 Amazon.Com Credit 264.30 Amsden, LLC 550.00 Apex Field Service LLC 21120.00 Aqreva, LLC...
By Austin Amestoy UM Legislative News Service University of Montana School of Journalism Tense Standoff Between Legislators Disrupts First Gun Bill Debate in Montana House The Montana Senate will now consider a bill that would greatly expand where concealed weapons can be carried in Montana after the House of Representatives passed House Bill 102 along party lines. The debate over the bill briefly ground to a halt last week as one lawmaker shut down another’s comments as a violation of decorum. Members of the Montana House of Representatives w...
The Mizpah Masters held their second meeting on December 16, 2020 at the Fire Hall. President, Avery Kramme, opened the meeting. Becca Aye led the American Pledge and Justin Aye led the 4-H Pledge. Minutes from the last meeting were read by Justin Aye and the treasurer's report was read by Lea Aye. Old business was discussed. For new business, we set up a time to deliver presents to the Nursing Home and decided on a fair nomination and theme. Next meeting is scheduled for January 10, at the Aye’s house, hosted by Madisyn Kramme. Meeting a...
Courtesy PR Extension Office Pandemic fatigue is real, yet there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As the new year begins, it may be important to seek joy and make space for the grief that many of us have felt throughout the pandemic according to Michele Crawford, Illinois Extension Educator. Collectively, we tend to ignore painful feelings. When asked “How are you?”, we respond with “fine” when we aren’t feeling fine. During the past nine months, we have come to ask, “How are you?” with a bit more intention, maybe even followed by “Re...
Shay Lynn Williams was born December 30, 2020 to parents Taylor and Joey Williams of Volborg. She weighed 6 lbs. and was 19.5 inches long. Shay joins brothers Landon and Carson. Paternal grandparents are Bud and Sandy Williams of Volborg. Paternal great-grandmother is Evelyn Williams of Broadus. Maternal grandparents are Joe and Cindy Painter of Buffalo, SD and maternal great-grandmothers are Marilyn Freimark and Martha Schutt, both of Spearfish, SD....
In Justice of the Peace Cathy Landa’s Justice Court. Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Klayton Gray, Volborg, MT, PFMA, pled guilty, fines-$685, 40 hrs. counseling, 3 mos. jail- susp. if fines paid & receives counseling. Mark Pomponio, Arvada, CO, speeding in restricted zone (45/30) $65. Haoyu Dong, Hicksville, NY, speeding in restricted zone (101/65) $135. Theresa Wesland, Broadus, MT, driving w/o valid D/L, pled guilty, $135. Haunna Songer, Mason, OH, speeding in restricted zone (82/65) $85. Montana Highway Patrol Jonathan Orestad, Bur...
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Powder River County began this week, with healthcare providers receiving their first dose of the Moderna vaccine this Tuesday and Thursday. An update to the vaccine schedule came out last week, with Governor Greg Gianforte changing some of the guidelines of who is vaccinated in each phase. The new guidelines include no change to the Phase 1A recipients, that is, frontline healthcare workers. The Phase 1B recipients now include persons aged 70 and older, American I...
After graduating from high school in Broadus in 2014, Cody Earley may not have seen his path leading towards a career as a librarian, but now that he's back home, he's exceptionally happy his path led him towards his new job as the Library Director at Henry Malley Memorial Library. Cody grew up on the Earley ranch, along the Powder River north-east of Broadus, with his parents Luke and Tracie, and his brother Craig and sister Sarah. Cody has always enjoyed working with kids, and after...
By PR Extension Office “We’re excited to offer activities to improve health and increase physical activity,” explained Morgan Weller, Community Health Coordinator in Powder River County. Weller will be co-teaching the Arthritis Exercise classes at the Senior Center and assisting with Yoga in the Courthouse Lobby. Arthritis Exercise will be held Mondays and Wednesdays, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., at the Senior Center. This gentle exercise program includes activities to build strength, improve range of motion, balance and increase endurance. Instr...
Henry James Boman was born December 17, 2020 at 2:07 pm at Spearfish Regional Hospital in Spearfish, SD. He weighed 8 lbs and measured 21 inches at birth. He is the first born son of Rebecca and Devin Boman and the newest sibling to his sisters Reagan Grace Boman, age 5, and Thea Elyse Boman, age 3. Henry's grandparents include Kelly and James Malloy, Jody and Dave Rose, and Randy Boman....
Friday, January 14, 1921 Brothers Spell Names Different Two brothers with a different spelling of their surnames are residents of Powder River County. This peculiarity has its origin with the Civil War. T.M. Drane was a lad of but 14 years with the outbreak of the war and inspired with all the patriotic ardor of the times, he was intent on carrying a gun and fighting for the federal government. He discovered the enlistment age barred him from service but he was quite matured and when he stated his age at 16 years no questions were asked and he...
By Austin Amestoy UM Legislative News Service University of Montana School of Journalism Legislature, Gov. Gianforte Offer COVID-19 Plans as First Legislator Tests Positive HELENA -- A bill to reduce COVID-19 liability for Montana businesses and the first meeting of the Legislature’s COVID-19 panel came during the first week of the session, a day after Republican leadership confirmed the first known positive test for the virus in a legislator late Thursday. Presumptive Chair of the COVID-19 panel, Jason Ellsworth, R-Hamilton, announced in a p...
* Updated Jan 5 By Powder River County Public Health Officer Sean Hill January 4, 2021 Powder River Public Health is anticipating our first shipment of Moderna COVID vaccine this week and will be vaccinating healthcare workers and frontline staff as early as January 11th, 2021. This will be followed by age groups and compromised community members according to the Montana allocation plan. The Moderna vaccine comes in 10 dose vials and once a vial is opened it must be used within 6 hours. Powder River Health will start notifying frontline staff...
20” of moisture in 2020 was over ¼” drier than 1988 total Broadus recorded its driest year on record in 2020, with a scant 7.49” of precipitation falling over the course of the year. 1988 was the previous driest year on record, with 7.77” of moisture, followed by 1952, with 7.87”. Records go back to 1920 in Broadus, though yearly precipitation totals are not available for a large portion of the 1920s and ‘30s. In contrast, on a “normal” year, (whatever that is), Broadus receives a mean of 13.98” of precipitation. The record high came i...
Other bridges to follow in 2022 A schedule of construction for the damaged county bridges was recently provided to the Powder River County Commissioners. The Moorhead bridge will be bid out in February of this year, with construction on the bridge expected to take place between March and June. County Commissioner Lee Randall told us that the work schedule may be dependent on the whims of the Powder, for example if a large spring flood comes through, the work may be delayed. At the time of publication, snowpack in the mountains and upstream is r...
By PR Extension Office Do you have a favorite charity? Do you need motivation to get out and walk? Then enter a team in the Steps for Charity challenge organized by Powder River Trails and the Powder River County Extension Office. The 8-week challenge runs from February 1st through March 28th. Four people make up a team and local charities receive part of the $10.00 per person registration fee. Last year, more than 100 people registered for the Challenge, and over $1,200 was raised for local charities including the Powder River Senior C...
With articles from 100, 75, 50, and 25 years ago. January 7, 1921 Local Briefs J.B. Cassady and Morgan Elliott of Powderville were county seat visitors the past week and while here both enrolled on the Examiner subscription list. Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Iler from Coalwood were in Broadus the fore part of the week. Attention is called to the new advertisement of the Broadus Co-operative Milling Company appearing in this issue for the first time. “Pride of Powder River” flour, manufactured by the milling company, is advertised at $6 per cwt. The flo...
OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Pastor Julie Long, 436-2457 “Rooted in the Word, Dwelling in Christ, Branching out for the sake of the World” Sunday worship 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion celebrated First and Third Sundays and Festival Sundays. Watch our Facebook page for necessary changes, public health requirements and restrictions for all public gatherings in response to local COVID-19 reported case numbers. The health and safety of all worshipers is our top priority and we will follow recommended guidelines. Links to recorded worship will...
By PR Extension Office Improve your estate planning knowledge by participating in MontGuide Mondays, a virtual discussion led by Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist and several Extension Agents. MontGuide Mondays will run from 10 to 11 a.m. each Monday in January and February via WebEx. Each session will run like a book club, where participants will pre-read a MontGuide and then take part in a virtual discussion. Participants can ask Goetting and county agents questions about the MontGuide or just listen and learn. The sc...
by Henry A. Malley Memorial Library Librarian Barb Mitchell Happy New Year to you all. We would like to welcome Cody Earley as the new Library Director. He is excited about starting up StoryTime on January 15th from 10:30-11:30. Please call the Library and leave a message with the names and ages of your kids who will be attending, so we can plan accordingly. We have recently added a few new books including a new series for our young readers- “The Traitor’s Game”, “The Deceiver’s Heart”, “The Warrior’s Curse” by Jennifer Nielson; “All Tha...
Our November meeting was short. We did the achievement night Awards ceremony. We put together the care packages we planned at the last meeting. We delivered thank you cards. We might build a snowman at our next meeting. Noah Dudek, Tongue River Crossroads Reporter...
Dennis W. Robinson to Justin Madsen, Etal, Shasta Madsen, Etal, Abstract of Contract for Deed, Lot 3, Block 6, City of Broadus, Trautman Subdivision. Estate of Augustine Lopez, Etal, Linda Jane Lopez, Etal to Linda Jane Lopez, Termination of Joint Tenancy, T7S, R45E, Sec. 24, TRACT OF LAND IN THE NW4; T7S, R45E, Sec. 24, TRACT OF LAND IN THE NW4; T7S, R45E, Sec. 24, TRACT OF LAND IN THE SE4NW4. Linda Jane Lopez to Allen Jimmerson, Etal, Dana Cuthill, Etal, Warranty Deed, T7S, R45E, Sec. 24, TRACT OF LAND IN THE NW4; T7S, R45E, Sec. 24, TRACT...
By Liz Riter Congratulations to Alyssa Riley and Kareena Appleman, who were awarded scholarships from the Powder River Conservation District to use during their spring semesters. Alyssa is the daughter of Mike and Margie Riley of Volborg, MT and is attending Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Pullman, WA. She will be graduating this spring! Kareena is the daughter of Craig and Christine Appleman of Broadus, MT and is attending Casper College in Casper, WY, majoring in...