Sorted by date Results 1546 - 1570 of 3486
The following is a list of expenses from the county departments, as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office and approved to be paid by the PR County Commissioners for the month of September, 2021. Christy Olson 289.10 Fruit Service Chemical 8638.00 Gatlin Construction, LLC 44925.00 Home Depot Credit Services 1225.93 Incontact Inc. 334.47 Katherine Roberts 421.44 Melanie Samuelson 24.05 Powder River County 82.00 Powder River Examiner 1376.00 Range Telephone Cooperative 3013.91 Town of Broadus 2360.85 Wilhelm Land Surveying 600.00 Abbey B...
Annual subscription cost is $38 in county, $39 out of county, and $40 out of state. Please mail checks to: Powder River Examiner, PO Box 328, Broadus, MT 59317. We will also mail an invoice as a reminder. Feel free to drop payments in the payment box on our front door, located across the street to the west of the courthouse square. Another option for renewal is online, at www., or by emailing us at prexaminer@ rangewebnet, and we will send an invoice to pay online. Don’t forget about our online edition, free for all p...
By Jessica Malone Autumnal greetings from the Powder River Chamber - Halloween is coming up fast and the Broadus VFW Post 1595 is hosting a spook-tacular event - Trick-or-treating, dancing and costume contest this Saturday night starting at 8pm! Our final Chamber General Membership Meeting of 2021 is scheduled for 5:30pm on Wednesday, November 10th. We desperately need local business and community investment in our Chamber board and we urge you to join us at the office of Gardner & Billing CPAs for this important meeting. Items on the agenda...
By PR Extension Office Which Montana college fans can donate the most amount of food to the Powder River County food bank? The Montana State University-Powder River County Extension Office is betting on Montana State Bobcat fans. Powder River County Attorney, Jeff Noble, is betting the University of Montana Griz fans will collect the most donations! The Brawl of the Wild has come to Powder River County. Which team, or county office, will win the food drive? The Can the Griz or Can the Cats food drive began locally last Monday. It will conclude...
October 14, 2021 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall and John Olson present. Donna Giacometto was absent. The meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved. Resolution 2021-35, Resolution to Repeal Resolution 2021-27, Repeal Fire Restriction, John Olson motioned to approved, Lee Randall seconded motion, motion carried. At 9:30 a.m. the Safety Committee meeting began with Sean Hill, Kathy Roberts, Christy Olson, Cynde Jo Gatlin, and commissioners present. Kathy...
We reported last week about the car wreck at the post office in Broadus; the wreck set off a chain of events which has frustrated many members of the community. For several days last week the post office operated out of the community center, until a decision was made at echelons of the USPS above the local level that the community center as it was currently configured was not secure enough to be used as a postal facility. On Friday, mail service for Broadus began at the Volborg post office, necessitating a 33-mile one-way drive for Broadus...
By PR Extension Office Annie's Project, an exciting opportunity for women in agriculture to connect and learn, will be offered virtually this Fall and Winter, according to MSU Extension Agent Mary Rumph. This six-week course is a discussion-based workshop bringing women together to learn from experts in production, financial management, human resources, marketing and the legal field. State and national speakers include Jolene Brown, Hertha Lund, Bruce Glennie, Whitney Tatafu, and others from a...
By Tom Herzog Faith Bible Church is reaching out to our community with an October event called, “No Tricks, Just Treats”. Jesus took the time to help people and we want to do the same. Through October 31, we will be doing service projects for anyone in our community that could use a hand with basic projects. This past Sunday we went around town picking up tree limbs that had been taken down by the recent heavy snow. We were able to haul off three big loads from people’s yards. For the next two weeks, we’d like to hear from anyone that has a n...
October 21, 1921 Wilson Becomes Livestock Feeder Link Wilson trailed about 1,300 head of cattle from Broadus to Gillette and after disposing of about 600 head to George W. Stone of that place, shipped the balance to Seward, Neb., where he will give them a corn diet for a few months and then place them on the market as corn-feds. Wilson discovered that corn could not be harvested with a profit in eastern Nebraska and that the corn and stalks remained in the field untouched. It is his intention to turn his cattle into these pastures and fatten...
Miles City — The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to announce and invite the public to comment on a proposal to widen about 2.5 miles of MT Highway 59, south of Miles City. The project begins at reference post 25.5 (Ed: approximately two miles south of the turn-off for the Powderville Road) and extends south for 2.3 miles ending near reference post 27.8. Proposed work includes widening the existing roadway shoulders to at least 4-ft., flattening roadside slopes, rumble strips and a chip seal, pavement markings, and u...
By Henry A. Malley Memorial Library Head Librarian Barb Mitchell To those of you who may be new to the area, don’t panic! This is just 1st winter, which follows 1st fall. 1st fall was those 3 weeks of really nice, cool weather without a lot of wind that we just left. First winter is what we are experiencing right now, an early snowfall that leaves the unprepared wondering what hit them. But don’t worry, we will be back to 2nd fall by the end of today or maybe tomorrow at the latest. 2nd fall will last until close to the end of November usu...
By Shane Dunning My great-great-uncle John L. Tucker was murdered on Otter Creek in 1911. His murder was, and remains, officially unsolved. Florence Shy, in Echoing Footsteps, wrote that "People were terribly upset over this but were too divided in their opinion, so no arrests were made." He was discovered shot in the back of his neck at his residence during the evening hours of March 28th. The body was found initially by Tucker's friend James Maxwell, who immediately...
Edited on October 15 A traffic incident in Broadus on Saturday triggered a series of events which led to post office business now taking place in the community center, for an estimated one to two weeks. On Saturday around mid-day, an incident involving Dave Richards and Dorothy King, both of Broadus, resulted in King's car attempting to build a drive-through entrance to the Broadus post office. The front end of the car bashed through the south wall of the post office, creating a substantial...
OTTER, MT - The U.S. Postal Service issued Playful Otters in Snow stamp Tuesday at the Otter, Montana Post Office. The Forever stamps are now for sale at Post Offices nationwide. News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtags #PlayfulOtters and #OttersInSnow. It was a fittingly snowy afternoon at the Otter, MT Post Office as the Otters in Snow stamp was unveiled. With at least 10 inches of snow on the ground the dozen or so Otter, MT residents in attendance were otterly amazing! Art...
The burn ban for Powder River County has been rescinded as of this week, per Powder River County officials. Individuals may now burn trash or dumps as per usual. Fire restrictions have also been lifted on federal lands in the county....
The International Organic Inspectors Association, or IOIA, located in downtown Broadus and operated by Executive Director Margaret Scoles, recently signed a contract with the USDA as part of a $250,000 project to provide an apprenticeship program for up and coming organic inspectors. The project is part of the US Department of Agriculture’s push to improve oversight of the nation’s organic industry, by providing an expanded pool of qualified inspectors. Margaret and IOIA will work with the University of Kentucky, along with Kentucky State Unive...
October 14, 1921 Major Dowson Says Rain Can Be Made Major P.S. Dowson, writing to the Examiner from the Cross S Ranch under date line of Beebe, Mont., September 30, endorses the plan inaugurated by the Examiner to interest the government in experimental work for the artificial production of rain. Such a project is entirely feasible in the belief of Mr. Dowson and he bases his conclusions upon the result of scientific experiments conducted by the British government in both Canada and Australia. Major Dowson is a member of the Royal Geographical...
By PR Extension Office "I could hear the swish swish of water in my shoes," reported a walker who completed the 7- mile round trip walk to the golf course and back during the Still I Walk event held last Saturday. Wind and rain pelted walkers at the event organized to highlight the pedestrian trail to the golf course and promote mental health awareness. "That was fun," exclaimed another soggy walker. When asked why they walked, participants said for fun, their health and for a worthy cause. "...
Powder River County to Elwin Grant, Deed for Cemetery Lots, Lot 10, Block 32, City of Powder River, Valley View 1st Addition, BLOCK 32, LOT 10, SPACES 6 - 7, FIRST ADDITION, VALLEY VIEW CEMETERY. Powder River County to Bernard J. Crane, Deed for Cemetery Lots, Lot 6, Block C, City of Powder River, Potters Field Subdivision, SECTION C, LOT 6, SPACE 6, POTTERS FIELD, VALLEY VIEW CEMETERY; Lot 7, Block C, City of Powder River, Potters Field Subdivision, SECTION C, LOT 7, SPACE 6, POTTERS FIELD, VALLEY VIEW CEMETERY; Lot 6, Block D, City of Powder...
September 21, 2021 Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present. The meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved. Marty Drane, Maintenance Supervisor, met with the board. Drane reported the crew is still working on the courthouse lawn and the pool will be covered soon. Discussion was also held on the lining of the pool. It was decided to wait a year before making a final decision. The board then informed Drane of the upcoming...
Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Carlis Goins, Steens, MS, speeding in restricted zone (93/65) $105. Michael Rumph, Biddle, MT, careless driving, pled guilty, $85. Amir Fayzi, Worcester, MA, speeding in restricted zone (98/65) $135. Bridget McManus, Winter Park, FL, speeding in restricted zone (93/65) $105. Isaac Thompson, Onalaska, WI, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65. Job Lubin, Orlando, FL, stop sign violation, $85. Jaime Nieto Villanueva, Aurora, CO, operate veh. not properly registered, $85. Michael DeCastro, Tacoma, WA, s...
By Powder River Public Health There has been a large surge in positive COVID-19 cases locally and in the state. In Powder River County 55 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in September. This included 2 deaths, 2 hospitalizations (unvaccinated male in his 20’s, vaccinated female in her 90’s) and 15 breakthrough cases. A breakthrough case is a positive case in a person who is fully vaccinated although usually will experience greatly decreased symptoms and see lower hospitalizations. We have seen positive cases in those age 3-95 years old with an a...
Physician's Assistant Abbey Barnhart is now the primary care provider at the Powder River Medical Clinic. Abbey is set to provide care for the county's residents on a full-time basis, and is now seeing patients. Barnhart grew up in Helena, going on to college in Texas and later to Bozeman. While completing her undergrad degree at MSU, Abbey met and began dating Elliot Barnhart, a Broadus native and MSU football star who was also completing his degree in Bozeman. Abbey told us during an...
A scant 0.08" of moisture was collected at the courthouse weather station in September, marking the fifth driest September on record, since records began in 1920. The lowest amount, 0.04 for the month, fell in September of 1969. The average precipitation for the month in Broadus is 1.18", with a record of 4.59" in September of 2019. The low moisture total for the month falls in line with the rest of 2021, which has been drier than average across the region. The Broadus station's moisture total f...
Earlier this summer, the county took over the ambulance service from Jesse Ambulance Service, following Dick Jesse’s retirement. With the service now under county control, an Ambulance Director was hired to oversee the transition process, assure the ambulance program adhered to federal and state guidelines, administer personnel, and a host of other tasks. Shane Copps took the position, but resigned late last week, leaving the position open and the future of the ambulance service in question. We sat down with the commissioners to discuss the s...