Articles from the May 26, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • Broadus Class Of 2022 Graduates In Style

    May 26, 2022

    As attendees entered the PRCDHS gym on Saturday to attend the graduation ceremony for the Broadus Class of 2022, Mother Nature serenaded the class with a pleasant rain storm, being so kind as to clear up by the time the event was over, saving eventgoers' finery from the ravages of the storm. The 16 member Senior class entered the gym to the Pomp and Circumstance processional march, played masterfully by the Broadus High School Band. After the class and audience were seated, Class Salutatorian...

  • Track & Field Athletes Are Bound For Great Falls

    May 26, 2022

    "Everyone on the team who went to Divisionals qualified for State," Broadus Head Track Coach Jerry Coulter beamed as he described the team's performance last Friday at the Southern BC Divisional Track Meet in Laurel. When describing the weather at the event, he took on a more serious tone, as the team fought rain and snow, breezy conditions, and cold at the meet. One spectator we spoke to about the meet noted that the competitors in the high jump were soaked with water every time they hit the...

  • Golfers Place At State

    May 26, 2022

    The Broadus Golf team played at the State Tournament in Sidney last week. Weather for the first day of the two day event was wonderful, according to Broadus Head Golf Coach Chad Gatlin. The second day, on the other hand, was rather abysmal, with cold conditions and a steady 20-25 mph wind gusting to 35. The difference in weather was reflected in the scores, as by and large the bulk of the teams shot far better on day 1 compared to day 2. Emma Isaacs, Broadus Sophomore, placed third at State by...

  • Latex Glove Factory At Ashland In The Planning Stage

    May 26, 2022

    By Pamela Ash, Staff Writer, Independent Press Plans for a factory to make latex gloves at the site of the old sawmill in Ashland are coming together. With 100 percent backing from the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, a meeting on May 4 included a site visit as well as a meeting at the Tribal Office in Lame Deer. With only one factory in Minnesota making the latex gloves in the United States and the shipments coming from China generally considered to be of poor quality and sometimes unusable, it will be a viable product for making money on a long-term...

  • Swimming Pool Set to Open June 4th

    May 26, 2022

    Editor: The print version of this article indicated a June 2nd opening date. That date has since been pushed back to the 4th. By: Libby Nisley, Swimming Pool Manager Plans for another fun summer at the Powder River County Swimming Pool are underway. Swimmers can expect to see a small water slide this summer for some added fun. We are also improving safety with new flooring in the bathhouse. The hours will be the same as last year, and we hope to see many people utilizing our pool for its fun and health benefits. On weekdays, Adult Lap Swim...

  • Scout For Alfalfa Weevil

    May 26, 2022

    By PR Extension Office A chronic problem for many producers is the alfalfa weevil, a key insect pest of alfalfa, causing variable levels of economic damage across Montana each growing season according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. “I started monitoring fields on Sunday, after a 26 degree morning frost and collected only two larvae and a couple adults in ten sweeps. I expect the population to increase this week with warmer temperature,” said Rumph. “I encourage producers to start monitoring their fields for weevil popul...

  • Memorial Day Info

    May 26, 2022

    The VFW will hold a service at 10:30 a.m. on Memorial Day at the cemetery. The deadline for the paper next week will be Wednesday at 10 AM....

  • Commissioner Proceedings

    May 26, 2022

    Monday, May 9, 2022 Chairman Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Donna Giacometto and John Olson were present. 8:45 a.m. - Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board. An application for cattle guard request was presented; no decision was made. The graveling and blading schedule was discussed. Bear Creek culvert is failing and Mullanix is in the process of repairs. Mullanix also reported EDA grant source has stated the county is eligible to do in...

  • VFW Auxiliary News

    May 26, 2022

    By Annie Brimmer Greetings from the Post 1595 Auxiliary. It’s been awhile since we’ve touched base, but we have been active. In February we took flowers to all the residents at Powder River Manor. Our Buddy Poppy Chairman, Pat Hanlan, has been out and around spreading the spirit of the Buddy Poppy. Margaret Scoles, with the support and help of high school art teacher Connie Barnhart, has sent our winning Patriotic Art entry on to state. We had five entries. Students, we appreciate your interest so much. We always look forward to your pro...

  • Mandatory trapper education course available online soon

    May 26, 2022

    Course available June 1 online, field days scheduled this summer and fall Courtesy Marla Prell, Montana FWP HELENA – People looking to get into trapping will have a new, and required, education course available online June 1 from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. The course is being developed by the Trapper Education Committee, which has members from the Montana Trappers Association and Montana Fur Harvesters, as well as staff from FWP. During the 2021 legislative session, Senate Bill 60 passed, which requires trapper education for all t...

  • Larry Tauck

    May 26, 2022

    Funeral services for Larry Tauck, 64, of Ekalaka, will be 11:00 am Thursday, May 19, 2022 at Stevenson Funeral Home in Ekalaka. Burial will follow at Beaver Lodge Cemetery. Gathering to follow at the Carter County Event Center. Family will be receiving friends 5:00 – 7:00 pm Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at Stevenson Funeral Home in Ekalaka. Larry passed away May 13, 2022 at St. Vincent's Hospital in Billings, MT. Larry Samuel Tauck was born on September 3, 1957 in Belle Fourche, SD to Lyle and J...

  • Voices From the Past

    May 26, 2022

    May 26, 1922 High School Play Pronounced Success The high school cast was without doubt a decided success last Saturday evening in its presentation of the farcial-comedy. “Betty’s Last Bet,” before a large audience at Shorty’s Hall, reflecting much credit upon the amateur actors and faculty under whose direction the play was produced. The beauty and refinement of the play as a whole were the striking features, and all characters are to be commended for their interpretations of their respective parts. Gladys Edwards played the part of Mrs. Da...

  • Celebrate World Atlatl Day 2022 at the Campbell County Rockpile Museum

    May 26, 2022

    The World Atlatl Association has designated the First Saturday in June as World Atlatl Day and is celebrated across the globe with everything from Just for Fun throws, teaching & instruction events, to International Standard Accuracy Competitions. The Campbell County Rockpile Museum will be hosting a Just for Fun throw from 10am – 4pm on Saturday, June 4, 2022. Guests are invited to join Museum Educator, Stephan Zacharias in the field just below the museum for a fun day of throwing darts with atlatls. The atlatl and dart are the oldest h...

  • Bulbous Bluegrass Is Loving The Moisture

    May 26, 2022

    By PR Extension Office “The bulbous bluegrass is taking full advantage of the moisture this spring” stated Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. Rumph described the invader as a thin stemmed, wiry grass that cures early and is often found in areas vegetated by downy brome. “Bulbous bluegrass infestations seem to be exploding with the spring moisture,” said Rumph. Identification Bulbous bluegrass (Poa bulbosa) is a relatively small, shallow-rooted, cool season perennial bunchgrass native to Eurasia and northern Africa. Because it grows new ro...


    May 26, 2022

    The following is a list of expenses from the county departments, as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office and approved to be paid by the PR County Commissioners for the month of April, 2022 Home Depot Credit Services 741.02 Incontact Inc. 331.83 Powder River Examiner 931.75 Range Telephone Cooperative 2599.89 Town of Broadus 2139.57 Wilhelm Land Surveying 3600.00 4imprint, Inc 121.39 Abbey Barnhart 71.28 Ability 540.75 Alderman Oil Co. 37276.88 Allbridge 645.64 Amazon Capital Services 1521.95 Credit 328.23 Amsden, LLC 550.00 A...

  • Range Recognized as NTCA 'Marketing eXcellence Award' Winners

    May 26, 2022

    Forsyth, MT (5/16/22) - NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association recently recognized Range as the winner of the NTCA Marketing eXcellence Awards for Marketing Campaign and Public Relations Campaign. Range is a member of NTCA, the premier association representing nearly 850 independent, community-based telecommunications companies in rural communities across America. The Marketing eXcellence Awards recognize the vital role marketing, sales and communications play in the broadband industry and are ann...

  • Subscriptions Due In June

    May 26, 2022

    Annual subscription cost is $38 in county, $39 out of county, and $40 out of state. Please mail checks to: Powder River Examiner, PO Box 328, Broadus, MT 59317. We will also mail an invoice as a reminder. Feel free to drop payments in the payment box on our front door, located across the street to the west of the courthouse square. Another option for renewal is online, at, or by emailing us at prexaminer and we will send an invoice to pay online. Elliott Barnhart, Broadus Dan Bird, Olive Jeff Bird,...

  • Final Session Of BSBL Takes On The Leadership Challenge

    May 26, 2022

    By PR Extension Office The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations was one of five categories defined as part of the "Leadership Challenge" offered by Dan Clark, speaker from the MSU Local Government Development Center. Clark was the capstone presenter for the final Big Sky Big Leadership session held last week, according to Powder River County MSU Extension Agent Mary Rumph. Clark motivated participants to "Model the Way" and "Inspire a Shared Vision" during his p...

  • Elementary Track Results

    May 26, 2022

    Key: Relays were co-ed other than 6th grade. NH = did not make starting height. If a space is blank, the athlete either didn’t compete in that event, finished outside 1st through 8th place, or that class did not compete in the event. The data we received was hand written, so times or distances may be inexact, and the events were not consistent with placing when it came to ties. Other races included the 3 and 4 year old preschool 25 yard dash, and the 5 year old race. Competitors in those events included the following: Preschool 25 Yard Dash 3...

  • Court Report

    May 26, 2022

    Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office Alex Bolte, Colorado Sprgs., CO, fail to carry proof of insurance, dismissed by Court- valid proof provided. Robin Reames, Broadus, MT, operate veh. not properly registered, pled guilty, $35.00 surcharge. Robin Reames, Broadus, MT, display lic. plates assigned to another vehicle, pled guilty, $25.00 surcharge. Tyler Behles, Colstrip, MT, speeding in restricted zone (82/65) $85. Jimmy Elira, Orlando, FL, stop sign violation, $85. Avery Satchell, Billings, MT, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65. Abdurasul Va...

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