Articles from the May 19, 2022 edition

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  • Track Athletes Hurdle The Competition At Districts

    May 19, 2022

    The District Track Meet took place Monday in Baker, having been rescheduled from the original date of May 12th due to heavy rain. The storm also delayed the Broadus Elementary Track Meet, originally scheduled for Friday. That meet had an original make-up day of Monday, but with the delay in the District Meet, the Elementary Meet had to be rescheduled for Tuesday due to the necessity of Track Coach and Elementary PE Teacher Jerry Coulter managing the Elementary Meet. This chain of events...

  • School Play Enthralls Audiences

    May 19, 2022

    The school play entertained audiences last Friday and Saturday with "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon" featuring a rendition of nine tales from the Brothers Grimm such as the Frog Prince and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as well as elements of many other fairy tales thrown into the mix. Narrating the play were Savannah Weaver and Lyza McMullan, while Brandi Billing directed the production. Those participating in the play, along with their parts are as follows: Savannah Weaver - Narrator 1 &...

  • Grasshopper Outlook For Powder River County

    May 19, 2022

    By PR Extension Office “The good news is that we’ve received much needed moisture and that according to the 2022 APHIS Grasshopper Hazard Map, Powder River County is not in the red zone,” according to Mary Rumph, MSU Extension Powder River County Agent. The map can be viewed at our website: “That doesn’t mean we won’t be contending with grasshoppers, but it is a strong indication that the population level won’t be as devastating as the past two years,” she added. According to Gary Adams (USDA-APHIS Billi...


    May 19, 2022

    By Jessica Malone Thank you to everyone that participated in Community Clean Up Day this year! We appreciate the school staff, students, volunteers and project leaders that worked together to brighten up our community. With the school season nearing completion, we wish the students, teachers and faculty an enjoyable summer and send congratulations to the graduating class of 2022! May is National Beef Month and we want to take the opportunity to recognize our local cattle producers. Thank you for your support of our community and for your role...

  • Ant Hunt Comes To Broadus

    May 19, 2022

    By Jessica Malone The “MontANTa” scavenger hunt is underway as part of the 11th Annual Red Ants Pants Music Festival and we’re excited to announce that Broadus is part of the itinerary this year! The Red Ants Pants Music Festival, founded by Red Ants Pants owner Sarah Calhoun in 2011, is a program of the 501(c)(3) Red Ants Pants Foundation. What started as a small business venture making women’s work pants, grew into a charitable foundation that is dedicated to women’s leadership, working family farms and ranches, and rural communiti...

  • Alyssum is Everywhere!

    May 19, 2022

    By PR Extension Office A very fine stemmed, short, yellow blooming annual weed is now present, according to Extension Agent Mary Rumph. Yellow alyssum (Alyssum alyssoides) and desert alyssum (Alyssum desertorum) are non-native, annual, weedy forbs (i.e., herbs) that are becoming more prevalent and problematic, especially in western, central, and southeastern Montana. Though plentiful, the alyssum is fine stemmed, flowers and then dies, and is often not noticed later in the growing season, said Rumph. “No matter how many people I talk to, the an...

  • Nineteen Participate In Screen Free Week

    May 19, 2022

    By PR Extension Office We are inundated by information from multiple sources, including, but not limited to, tv, cell phones, I-pads and computers. To set aside all screens for a week can be challenging, according to MSU Extension Powder River Agent Mary Rumph. Powder River County MSU Extension promotes the annual Screen Free Week which takes place just one week each year each Spring. It’s a chance to learn how valuable and productive those moments can be when the screen is turned off. This year, the Powder River 4-H Council and Teen 4-H spo...

  • Voices from the Past

    May 19, 2022

    May 19, 1922 The Worst Storm Known in Years The livestock toll of last week’s storm was nearly in excess of the entire winter’s loss. Hundreds of newly-born lambs perished, valuable work horses, steers, cows and calves were chilled to death. The loss of each will mount upwards into the hundreds over the southeastern Montana area. The two-day storm commencing with a heavy rain Wednesday turning into a raging blizzard Thursday morning and was general over the entire northwest. A wind of high velocity blew from the northwest. Locally the sno...

  • 5th Grade Learns About Sheep and Wool

    May 19, 2022

    By Liz Riter Liz Riter, Powder River Conservation District and Wilson Renner, Natural Resources Conservation Service, visited the 5th grade classroom on May 11th to teach them about wool and benefits of sheep for conservation. We discussed how sheep are used on ranches for nuisance and noxious weed control as well as the many different products which come from wool. Unfortunately, we couldn't coordinate getting the sheep and shearer to the school after cancelling for the blizzard, but there were...

  • Commissioner Proceedings

    May 19, 2022

    Monday, April 25, 2022 Chairman Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioner John Olson was also present. The minutes of the April 11 and 14th, 2022 commissioner proceedings were read, approved, and ordered published. Floyd Huckins joined the meeting to observe. 8:35 a.m. - Road Supervisor Teel Mullanix met with the board. Mullanix reported on current snow plowing progress from the recent storm and gave an equipment update. 9:30 a.m. - FLAP Grant memorandum of u...

  • Invasive Species And Soil Tunnel Education

    May 19, 2022

    By Liz Riter On April 25th, 2022, the 6th Grade Class and Junior High and High School Ag Ed Classes learned about the many invasive species threatening our state and how to identify and mitigate these problems. The Rolling Rivers Trailer was here and was used to demonstrate the issues including erosion. Colin Threlkeld works for CEMIST, Central and Eastern Montana Invasive Species Team, and did a great job of explaining all facets of invasive species to students. The Soil Tunnel, a giant...

  • Students Named To Honor Roll

    May 19, 2022

    Powder River County Junior High and High School students receiving GPAs between 3.5 and 4.0 for the third semester of the 2021-21 school year are as follows: Seniors- Lea Aye Shannon Knapp Abigail Martin Kori Richards Savannah Weaver Juniors- Colton Biesheuvel Lauryn Billing Mercy Brost Alex Edwards Tytan Hanson Oliveah Schaffer Rheanna Schroeder Marcus Mader Sophomores- Graci Barbero Emma Isaacs Mia Mader Ciara McDowell Zeason Schaffer Cooper Zimmer Freshman- Rebecca Aye Talyn Conley Zach Jones Jackson Knapp Shyla Madsen Rebekah Rasmussen...

  • Black Grass Bugs Impacting Crested Wheatgrass

    May 19, 2022

    By PR Extension Office With the recent moisture, the crested wheatgrass has shot up in growth. Unfortunately, we are also seeing damage from the black grass bug, according to Mary Rumph, Powder River Extension Agent. Most notable is the “anemic” look to the grass in the roadside ditches, an area where it should be a healthy green color. The black grass bug literally “sucks the juices” out of the leaves, leaving a whitened, tough and stringy leaf. The black grass bug (labops hesperius) is one of the earliest pests to emerge in the spring an...

  • Real Estate Transfers

    May 19, 2022

    Daniel J. Cahoon, Etux to Darrel W. Smith, Warranty Deed, T5S, R46E, Sec. 25, NE4NE4. D. Scott Parrish, Etal, Cynthia G. Parrish, Etal to Richard C. Jackman, Etux, Warranty Deed, Lot 12, Block 18, City of Broadus, Original Townsite Subdivision. Dennis L. Dunning, Etux to The Dunning 3L Ranch, LLC, Etal, Dunning 3L Ranch, LLC, Etal, Quitclaim Deed, T7S, R47E, Sec. 16, TRACT A, COS #131580, CONTAINING 48.41 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; T7S, R47E, Sec. 17, TRACT A, COS #131580, CONTAINING 48.41 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; T7S, R47E, Sec. 21, TRACT A, COS #131580...

  • Piano Recital Coming Up This Sunday

    May 19, 2022

    By Christine Appleman Piano quartets, trios, duets, and solos, original compositions and vocal selections! Please join us Sunday, May 22 at 3 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. Each of the piano students have shown amazing progress this year! The performing musicians will be: Alexis Gotfredson; Logan, Lucas, and Mikayla Capp; Danica Schroeder; Whitney Hartman; Aria and Myla Gatlin; Bonita Kinzer; Eli, Tyler, and Joelle Jurica; Sophie Irish; Reece and Maci Emmons; Katya, Esther, Shiloh, and Trinity Stiegel-meier; and Clark Appleman. We will...

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