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In the previous chapter of Sage and Leather, Evie met Mr. Carlisle and his wife Topsannah. The former came to the TR with the proposal that Mr. Hollister go north to Montana to settle a ranch up there. What will Mr. Hollister decide? Might Evie join them if they do go north? And what has become of the brother that she so often worries about? Find out in the newest installment. Chapter Four The TR was full of commotion for the next week. Every time I brought food to the mansion, Mr. Hollister and Mr. Carlisle were drawing out plans for a cattle...
By Deanna Twedt As you may recall, in the last chapter of Sage and Leather, Evie Calloway became introduced to the owners of the TR outfit--the Hollisters. She did not appreciate her brief conversation with Raphael Hollister, who has plans to take over her family’s homestead. Evie decides she wants her and Tad to quit working for the Hollisters for this very reason. Will she be successful? Let us find out this month in the third chapter. Chapter Three A snake had left behind a rivulet in the dirt of the barn floor. Knowing that, my eyes d...
The first chapter in a new series from local writer Deanna Twedt. Chapter One The adobe fence curved up and down around the yard like rolling waves stuck in motion. Frozen. Solid. Clay. The fence wasn’t tall. I could see easily over the ten inch thick parameter. Inside the courtyard, two dark haired women were beating brooms against woven rugs. Their blouses hung open near the neck and sweat stains bloomed around their armpits. Across from them, two vaqueros worked in a corral with a nervous colt. Dust erupted from where the colt stomped and a...
In the previous chapter, Lanette had some sorrowful news to share with her cousin, Maisie. She told of the passing of Ruthaleen Dukater, and that the Pack Horse Library wishes for her to relocate. How has Lanette been able to bear these burdens? What choices will she make? Let us find out in the latest installment. Chapter Sixteen July 5, 1935 Dear Maisie, Happy Belated Independence Day! I’m sure that as I write this you are now back at home. I still cannot believe you came all the way out to Miracle, Kentucky to visit me! Or that you had e...
In last month’s installment, we learned that Lanette ventured up the Cumberland River to attend her friend Ada’s wedding. On the way there she had some trouble in the mud and was found by Thad Clay, a new acquaintance of hers. Since he was also going to the wedding, they traveled the rest of the way together. Lanette described the wedding to her cousin. What will she have to tell Maisie now? Chapter Fifteen May 29, 1935 Dear Maisie, I’ve had several attempts at this letter tonight. Each time I go to begin I’m conflicted as to how to tell yo...
Last month we learned that Lanette was able to procure the use of a typewriter thanks to the local schoolteacher who purchased one. Lanette willingly instructed the schoolteacher on how to use it in exchange for use of the typewriter. That way she started to type out the lyrics she had been recording from Mr. Fordwick’s songs. Her proposed manuscript to a publisher will be more official typewritten than by hand. Lanette also spoke of meeting Thad Clay at a dance, visiting her usuals on her routes, and getting ready for Ada’s wedding in Apr...
According to the previous installment, Lanette stayed inside at the Lancings to avoid the freezing temperatures instead of making her usual rounds. During her time indoors, she learned to embroider, spent some time in the mail room, continued to work on her project containing song lyrics from Mr. Fordwick, and received a wedding invitation from her friend, Ada. Has spring yet arrived in Miracle or are they still plagued by the depravity of winter? Chapter Thirteen March 23, 1935 Dear Maisie, You’ll never believe it! The schoolteacher here order...
Last month, Lanette wrote of her latest happenings, which included a visit from Ada--one of the Pack Horse Librarians--receiving a letter from Maisie about her Christmas, the Colton children learning to read, her visits to Mrs. Dukater, her project to compile the lyrics of Mr. Fordwick’s mountain songs into a book, and helping out the schoolteacher on the occasional Saturday. What else has Lanette been up to? Chapter Twelve February 11, 1935 Dear Maisie, Most of the snow has disappeared since Christmas, but a cold wind has not gone away. The t...
Previously, we learned that Lanette had to leave college after her final examinations, for she lacked the sufficient funds to pay for her tuition. One day, she hopes to return, but for now she will continue to work for the Pack Horse Library in the southeast mountains of Kentucky. Last month she spent her Christmas with the Coltons, Mrs. Dukater, and Mr. Fordwick. What do you suppose she is up to this month? Chapter Eleven January 30, 1935 Dear Maisie, Your letter arrived this morning! I am lucky to be in Miracle today, so that I could read...
In the previous installment, Lanette visited Ruthaleen Dukater again and learned that the woman has someone visit her every week to make sure she is doing alright, considering she is blind. Besides visiting Ruthaleen, Lanette also spent time with the Colton family. During her stay she discovered the children do not know how to read, so she chose to read Winnie the Pooh to them aloud. Due to the enthusiasm from the children, Lanette feels that she would like to teach them to read, but isn’t sure how to do so without shaming them. This week we w...
Last month, Lanette described her first meeting with Ruthaleen Dukater, a local resident who is blind. This week, Lanette visits Ruthaleen again as well as the Colton family. Chapter Four October 18, 1934 Dear Maisie, Yesterday, I visited Ruthaleen again. I did not have any braille books to bring along as there are none kept in our small library in Miracle nor has there been time to inquire anyone about acquiring some. I have not brought up the possibility to Ruthaleen mostly because I do not want to disappoint her. Yet, I do not know if she...
In the last installment, Lanette started making her rounds through the Appalachian Mountains with the guidance of Mr. Buchanan. This week we will become acquainted with one of Lanette’s patrons that she meets on one of her routes. Chapter Three October 13, 1934 Dear Maisie, Tonight, I am writing this latest letter to you in front of the woodstove in the Lancings’ post office. The warmth of the fire feels good after traveling through a bitter wind all day. Autumn is definitely upon us. Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees and the far...
Continued from March 16 In the previous installment, we were introduced to the small community of Miracle where Lanette met her host family the Lancings. This week we will be introduced to Lanette’s first venture into the Appalachian Mountains on horseback. Chapter Two October 6, 1934 Dear Maisie, Some time has passed since I last wrote a letter to you. The past few days have been very enlightening. On my first full day in Miracle a palomino named Biscuit along with two gray mules were provided for me to make my rounds through the A...
Continued from February 9th This week we will follow Lanette to a small community called Miracle, where Lanette will become acquainted with her host family and eventually learn the ropes of her new job as a horseback librarian. Chapter One October 1, 1934 Dearest Maisie, I am no longer in Lexington, but currently writing this letter from a garret above the postmaster’s office of a tiny community called Miracle. The situations of this area are certainly not what I had expected. Besides the family I am staying with, there are only two other famil...
Horseback Librarian, a fictional telling of librarians who rode horses and pack mules through the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky handing out books and magazines to families in a rural setting, will be featured as a serialized novel within the coming months. This work of literature features a girl named Lanette Dade, who has been studying education at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. One day she is called to meet with one of her professors, who informs her that it may be difficult for her to continue college due to the financial...